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Washer Bottle Install

Writer: CTRMintCTRMint

Installation of the washer bottle in my car has been a two-part process, the first part focussed on finalizing the intended solution and modifying components, whilst the second part was the actual fitment I started part one back when I filled the differential with oil having removed the boot floor, but then stopped after I identified I needed the boot carpet in place to complete. I've since added the carpet and subsequently completed the installation of the washer bottle. This short blog article details my approach, Caterham isn't very specific about the installation of the bottle, so this may be the intended solution or a slight modification, either way, it seems to have worked.

The odd thing about the install is that the washer bottle is now located in the boot, as denoted by the electrical connector and rubber tubing located by the filler neck. The washer bottle itself is plastic and is supplied with a small metal bracket attached, there is no apparent location for the metal bracket to attach in the boot. Having reviewed photographs of Caterham's factory built cars I understood the factory approach is to attach the bracket and therefore bottle to the protective panel to be installed around the filler neck. I opted to follow the factory approach, even though I feel the bottle is at risk from luggage within the boot.

There are no instructions on what to do, so I improvised during the installation. My aim was to ensure the neatest install possible, with the least amount of tubing and hose on display.

The first step was to attach the bracket to the protective panel which had still had to be fitted. Having handled the panel for a bit while deciding on my course of action I actually decided to trim the edge of the panel with IVA trim, I'm not sure if this is required but I feel it improved the aesthetics. I then carefully marked out the bracket onto the panel, identifying the appropriate height so that the bottle would just sit off the boot floor. I intended to rivet the bracket onto the panel, so used masking tape to mark and then drilled suitably sized holes. The bracket was then prepared with rivets and secure using my air rivet gun.

Since the hose is at the lower end of the bottle I drilled a hole in the side of the panel and inserted a grommet, the hole would be used to pass the hose to behind the panel for neatness. I stupidly drilled the hole on the wrong side, so had to repeat on the other side, doh!

The electrical connections for the pump are on the top face of the washer bottle and use a large plastic plug. Having sorted the solution I wasn't happy with the plug and connection being so visible. As a solution I used some automotive cabling and spades connectors to create an extension cable. This was then connected to the pump and loom. I also used some heat shrink on the pump side to make it a permanent connection and also add some strength and additional weather protection.

It was at this point I needed to wait for the carpet install to be completed, which I've now done and will cover in another blog. Carpet is installed around the filler neck, so if you install the protective panel you've can't install the carpet.

Having installed the carpet it was a simple case of securing the protective panel with the two self-tapping screws and neatly securing the hose and electrics with a cable tie.

I appreciate this post is a bit short, but I hope it helps, especially given Caterham's documentation is a little thin in this area.



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Loves cars, light weight specials, jDM, Lotus, Caterham, Rallying and Trackdays
Mark Rodman Isle of Man CTRMint
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