You may have already spotted our 4 legged friend intentionally caught in some of the photos within the blog articles and certainly in the instagram section.
Well his inclusion is to ensure we cover off Caterham's recommendation from the build manual as follows;
Recruiting a few extras (your kids, your spouse, the cat, etc.) and some props (last year’s Xmas tree, a radio from the 1980’s and a rusty bike) will all contribute to a more authentic home-garage feel; proving that no professional help (i.e. commercial workshop/garage) was involved in the build. Of course, feel free to have yourself working away on the kit in the photos if one of your ‘extras’ can be trusted with the camera (not the cat; they never get the exposure right).
So please meet Riley.

He's our 3 year old Yorkshire Terrier, who loves the camera and being around in the garage whilst I work on whatever projects are on the go. When he isn't in the mix in the garage he is usually found fast asleep on the sofa.