Welcome to Caterham 7 Diaries
Welcome! You've arrived at 'Caterham 7 Diaries' an exciting and evolving website dedicated to my experience building and of course owning the Caterham 7 sports car. You'll also find additional content albeit to a lesser extent about my two other cars, a Lotus Exige S Cup and a JDM import Honda Integra Type R commonly know as a DC5.
The format of the site is essentially a blog, each post providing an update covering activities pre-build, during the build and then later living with the 7. You'll find all blog content under the Blog menu tab, which is then broken down by tags, such as, All Posts, Pre Build, Build, 7 Life Post Build and so on.
The site has a fantastic search feature too, so make use of that if you wish to locate content specific to say a build task.
If you enjoy the site, and I hope you do, why don't you register an account on the site? Registering will enable you to get more involved in the content posted, for instance commenting on posts, or asking questions.
If you own a 7 yourself, then why not get even more involved and become a contributor with your own content?
Lastly a modern blog site wouldn't be complete without Instagram or Youtube, both are represented with their own content tabs. I hope you enjoy.